Imani Allen Collective

Self-Care Experiences Promoting Transformation from Within

Comfort Zones, WTF is that?!


The Opposite of Complaining is Doing

The Opposite of Complaining is Doing

If you're a person that constantly complains about the same thing that you need to change about yourself then you would benefit from radical change
Confessions & Reflections of a Burnout... part 3

Confessions & Reflections of a Burnout... part 3

Day: 30 continued This week I decided to focus on sacral chakra yoga flows. These have been some challenging flows for me but I can see why, being ...
Confessions & Reflections of a burnout...part 2

Confessions & Reflections of a burnout...part 2

You can't remedy exhaustion with one good night of sleep.
Confessions & Reflections of a burnout..... part 1

Confessions & Reflections of a burnout..... part 1

Day 15 of burnout recovery reflections... Energy Reserve levels: -211 I'ma be real. I was burnt the fuck out.  My body was feeling raggedy and soul...
Don't gaslight your intuition

Don't gaslight your intuition

  Many of you are highly intuitive and you just need to embrace it.  I've have seen and heard too many instances when people try to talk themselve...
The Fall of the Abusers

The Fall of the Abusers

I feel like the last few months should've been titled The Fall of the Abuser.
I Just turned 7 in Human Design

I Just turned 7 in Human Design

Twas the year before my Saturn Return season (those who know know)... October 2, 2016 and I was gifted a Human Design Reading with Kevone Fair of A...
Choice & Intention

Choice & Intention

Choice and intention are the power couple. Life is tricky, brutal and beautiful.  It's everything and more.  There will never be just one current f...
Honey Talk with Tashia Ariel

Honey Talk with Tashia Ariel

"A woman in tune with her feminine energy knows that everything flows through her.... and to her." ~Tashia Ariel
August 2019 Monthly Message

August 2019 Monthly Message

Spirit was pretty blunt with this...🦟Wasp Spirit/Pluto/Shugite-how are you going to roll with the punches? You might've experienced some shake ups ...
July 2019 Monthly Message

July 2019 Monthly Message

"As you grow spiritually, you will understand your life purpose."
Solar Plexus: Willpower & Identity

Solar Plexus: Willpower & Identity

Keywords: Empowerment, Self-Esteem, Manifestation, Willpower, Energy, Drive, Focus, Success, Faith The solar plexus is known as the “powerhouse”! T...

About Me


Hey! I'm Imani and I have many skills and passions but overall I enjoy assisting others find their inner peace and serving as a Doula for expecting mothers.  Many ask how I came upon this path.  Simple, the path chose me and I listened (most of the times).  I believe in receiving messages from my ancestors, spirit guides, dreams and following through with them.

From a young girl I always had an interest in astrology, understanding dreams, tarot cards, moon cycles, etc. YOU NAME IT!  The natural elements and mystery always had my attention even if I had no clue what they meant, but little did I know I would start to find out in my early 20s.  

In high school I started interpreting my own dreams with a dream book my mother gave me and tried to make sense of reoccurring dreams.  It was fun and exciting for me since I can still remember certain dreams I had when I was 2 years old. I also enjoyed to interpreting my friend’s dreams even if they wanted my input.  This was also the time when I got into zodiac signs and started to understand the meaning of my own wonderful sign....Scorpio if you were wondering. 

I mean anything dealing with metaphysics, I was tapping the surface intensely.  Along with writing down my dreams, taking brief notes on how the moon were connected to menstrual cycles and googling natural remedies.  This was also the time where I was fully aware that there was a realm beyond the physical when I literally felt my grandfather’s spirit touch my hand while was sleeping. He told me bye before he passed the following day.

But when I went to college everything started to change, I went with the intent of getting a degree, getting a job, and starting a family.  You know typical traditional yadda yadda. After college I learned my first lesson in “life doesn’t go as planned.” This lesson was so pivotal in my development because I soon learned that I was abandoning gifts that were meant to be shared.  Before I graduated, I made the decision to start eating healthier, I mean I BURIED myself in all types of holistic information from fasting, vegan diet lifestyle, herbs, crystals, meditation and juicing. I started incorporating all these practices and started preaching to my family as well (poor them as I look back).   I was excited and eagered to share all that I was learning, no matter how slightly annoying I may have been.

After graduating, I learned that it wasn’t easy to get a job and start this "wonderful career" that the college education promised.  During this time, which I now call a “void period” was a time to create something completely new for my life path.  One day one of my friends asked me to create a personal health plan for her and I put it together effortlessly in a short amount of time because honestly, I forgot I told her I would do until I had 3 hours before we met for lunch.  My  friend was so excited and encouraged me to get a certification or some sort of training to build my skills and knowledge.  The next day I googled Natural Health Certifications and I paid my deposit immediately. I loved to study and thought my friend was on to something, so I received my certificate as a Natural Health Consultant (NHC) from A Life of Peace Wellness Institute within the next 3 months.   During this training, I was introduced to natural family planning and the words midwife and doula peaked my interest.

Upon completing my NHC I started creating personalized health plans for clients that wanted to transition into a healthier lifestyle.  I built my client base while I was STILL looking for a job while working at the mall.  It was a very humbling experience where I rebirthed my entrepreneurial spirit.  While working at the mall I decided that it was time to pursue doula training because I was having vivid dreams of delivering babies.  Then my sister in a divine timely fashion had me watch the documentary “The Business of Being Born” and my fate was sealed once again. 

In order to fund my Doula training, I started selling earrings to my closest friends and family members with “earring parties”.  The money I raised, was spent for my travels and training from The International Center for Traditional Childbearing (ICTC) in Portland, Oregon.

After working with expecting mothers, I discovered that I loved to take people to a place of relaxation whether that was through touch, sound or meditation.  I eventually started hosting meditation webinars focused on different topics of self-care.  This furthered my quest to assist with self-care practices, I started creating journal challenges, spiritual baths, yoni steams and self-care intensives to assist with self-transformation from within.

I have my B.A. in Journalism and Promotional Communication from Cleveland State University and have obtained my Natural Health Consultant Certification from A Life of Peace Wellness Institute.  I love to create, travel, eat Mexican food, get hype from trap music, read and binge watch Netflix series.






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All orders are fulfilled in 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS (Holidays and weekends are NOT included). 

If you have anymore questions please email and your email will be responded to within 24-48hrs.
