"Don't put the cart before the horse."
Center/Peacock Spirit/Queen of Pentacles-You restore balance by going within. It's time to go back into your self-care routine since there's been a wave of intensity. You would benefit from small periods of isolation, so you won't be under the influence of getting off your path. Trusting the insight you've been receiving is very important now, it's going to lead you down the path of proper alignment. Seeking approval from outside sources ain't where it's at. Stop looking for cheers and praise from those that don't understand the game you're about to play. Really ask yourself, "WHAT'S GOOD FOR ME?"
Going within requires you to be honest about where you are and where you would like to go and getting prepared for that journey. Does your values reflect where you want to be? Are you trying to accomplish something without discipline? What are you feeding your mind? What are you feeding your body? What are you feeding your spirit? What old shit do you have tagging along? Find the disconnect and assemble the pieces where they should go. Once you restore your mind, body and spirit (remember you have to work on your WHOLE SELF) then you will spark an inner flame that you've never experienced before. Once that flame is lit, you'll know and those in your circle will be thinking, "Something is different about you." If you're not satisfied with your outer world, then you NEED to go within. Time to tap into that potential that will bring you stability, riches and resources. Be mindful of rushing. Gifts are produced from gratitude, discipline, PATIENCE and letting go of mental habits that prevent you from going forward.
Journal Exercises:
What do you need to bring more balance into your life?
What's stopping you from shining?
What can you do to bring more resources into your life?
This message came at the perfect time for me. Especially the part about moments of isolation. Using that time alone to bring clarity will definitely be necessary! Thank you Imani.